Sunday, August 20, 2017

Arabian Nights: Best in Silks

From the Arabian Nights to 21st century boudoirs, silk has inflamed passions and inspired artists and writers like no other texture. Join DJ Avion Sunday at 4 pm SLT in the Arabian Nights Garden of Delights where we'll be looking for Best in Silks.

Bea's This Week in VBII 
     Monday, August 21, 5 am SLT              Acoustic Eclipserise with DJ Suzi
     Monday, August 21, 9 am SLT              Dance Party with DJ Bea
     Monday, August 21, 5 pm SLT              DJ JoAnn, '80s Night
     Tuesday, August 22, 5 pm SLT              DJ Avion, Tiki Toosday, Swimming Pool
     Wednesday, August 23, 5 pm SLT        DJ JoAnn, Goth and Symphonic Metal
     Thursday, August 24, 5 pm SLT            Games Night with DJ Surfer
     Friday, August 25, 5 pm SLT                 [dark this week]
     Sunday, August 27, 5 am SLT                Acoustic Sunrise, Smooth Jazz and lingerie
     Sunday, August 27, 4 pm SLT                DJ Avion, Arabian Nights (Best in Silks)


DJ Bea presented two hours of jazz at Ella's Sunday evening. Shelly was voted Best in Formal Wear.

DJ Suzi's Acoustic Sunrise features smooth jazz and ladies in lingerie on the last Sunday of the month at 5 am SLT. And keep your eyes open for an impromptu edition of Acoustic Sunrise on "Eclipse Monday" at 5 am if the planets (and Suzi's schedule) are aligned.

DJ Bea features an eclectic mix of classic rock, blues, and jazz every Monday at 9 am SLT. This week the tunes will be "as eclectic as ever."

DJ JoAnn plays tunes from the incomparable '80s at 5 pm SLT Monday. Tons of memorable hits, and a few that might be new to you.  

DJ Avion takes us back to the Venus Beach Swimming Pool for this week's edition of Tiki Toosday. Jump in at 5 pm SLT on Tuesday.

Nessie on the Barbie? ... not tonight

Meanwhile, nearby ...

We gather at Madam Lash's House of Pleasure and Pain for symphonic and goth metal with DJ JoAnn every Wednesday at 5 pm SLT. 

DJ Surfer provides the music when we get together for Games Night at 5 pm SLT Thursdays. At Games Night or any other time there are endless activities available at the Venus Beach Amusement Park, and at the nearby race track and airfield.

Bubbly Georgie waiting for Games Night to begin ...

DJ JoAnn is away this Friday, but will be back with another themed show on September 1 when we'll be dancing on a cloud.

--by Avion Luminos and Shy Librarian

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