Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our Annual Celebration of Pussy

Sunday evening drew a dozen kitties and a variety of costumed humans to our annual birthday bash for our pets in the dual-themed cathouse. Avion played two hours of terrific varied themed music, and Qntal and Surfer tied for Best in Cathouse Attire.

Next Sunday we'll be drawling our way down the Mississippi on a riverboat, so practice turning vowels into two-syllable sounds. We'll be looking for Best Southern Belle.

DJ Bea kicks off the VBII week at 9 am SLT Mondays, this week featuring The Boss.

Our second Games Night on Mondays continues to be popular. 

Topless Tiki Toosday continued its rounds of the VBII sims at the outdoor Neon Palms venue.

Swinging DJ Bea featured Belgian gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt at Honeysuckle Rose last week. This week it'll be Cab Calloway. This is the only event at VBII where men are welcome. Swing attire or classy casual please.

The new strip greedy game is good for a few giggles at Thursday's Games night.

--Shy Librarian (photos by Avion and Shy)

Monday, September 21, 2015

It's Euphemism Week; Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Each year at this time, as our first batch of FS kitties celebrates another birthday, we gather at Avion's ingenious Dolly's (The Best Little Cathouse in SL) for a celebration of pussy. Your challenge: use your imagination to wear Best in Cathouse Attire, using one--or even both--of the obvious themes. And bring your kitties! We wouldn't want M.O.P. to be all alone. [Yeah, M.O.P. stands for My Other Pussy.]

Last evening we observed Talk Like a Pirate Day in full piratical splendor aboard the bad ship HMS Bootie. Avion stretched the musical theme to bring us two hours of terrific tunes. Surfer and Qntal were voted Best Pirates.

DJ Bea kicks off our VBII week Mondays at 9 am SLT.

Our first experiment with a Monday Games Night improved attendance a bit. And we discovered that, win or lose, you're pretty likely to wind up naked on the table, doing jumping jacks or performing, at some point during Strip Greedy.

Avion's peripatetic Topless Tiki Toosday will be at Neon Palms in Venus Gardens this week.

Thanks to the miracle of SL rezzers, on the same plot of land, DJ Bea will swing week three at her new club Honeysuckle Rose at 6 pm SLT Wednesday. Swing era attire or smart casual, please, for this coed event that's new to VBII.

As our Monday experiment with Games Night continues, we're continuing to dance on the table Thursdays as well...

--Shy Librarian (photos by Avion and Shy)

PS--don't forget to scroll down to the previous post for Avion's modest enumeration of all the amazing improvements she's made to VBII recently. 
