Monday, February 23, 2015

It'll be a rock'n good time

   at the malt shop next Sunday when DJ Bea lays on some good old-fashioned rock'n'roll.

And at Ella's last night, Bea took top honors for Best Elegant Party Dress, with Surfer and Qntal sharing equal second place.

With regular blogger Shy temporarily out of action and not around to take photos (or remind the rest of us to do so!), we're a little short of pics this week ....

Games Night was a smaller than usual affair this week, but that meant more and faster games so relaxation time in the pool afterwards was welcome.

Since the pool party fell on Fat Tuesday, the swimsuits and music had a touch of Mardi Gras.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Pretty Party Dresses at Ella's Next Sunday

Last evening Bea played all Louisiana-born artists as we celebrated Mardi Gras in Avion's classic Bourbon Street set. Surfer won the Best Mardi Gras Competition. Next week we'll convene in Ella's elegant supper club atmosphere in our best party dresses.

Monday at 9 am DJ Surfer will fill in for Bea this week.

Avion's Tiki Toosday will be in the pool this week.

Thursdays join DJ Surfer for Games Night at the Amusement Park.

-- Shy Librarian (Monday pix by Bea)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! *

Next Sunday we'll be walking to New Orleans for all-Louisiana tunes from DJ Bea in Avion's Bourbon Street set as we celebrate Mardi Gras with a bead or two. Don't miss this costume-rich occasion--so many fun and colorful possibilities.

Last evening Avion spun love songs as we previewed our Valentine's Day finery. Qntal and Bea tied for top honors in Best Valentine's Day Costume.

On Mondays at 9 am start your week with DJ Bea.

This week, Avion's multi-venued Tiki Toosday will be at Surf's Up! Tiki Bar.

DJ Surfer provides the music for Thursday's Games Night.


* Despite widespread, even semi-official, other spellings, it is rouler not roulez and there are esses on both bon and temp for adjective-noun agreement.

 --Pedantically yours, Shy Librarian (Monday pix by Bea)