Monday, January 30, 2017

Party Dresses at Ella's

DJ Avion will slow down the tempo a bit when we gather next Sunday at 4 pm SLT at the stylish Ella's. Scroll through your dressy frocks since we'll be looking for Best Party Dress (think cocktail dress or thereabouts).

We got ripped at Grungy Sundy! Er, wait, our clothes did anyway. Avion played cleverly themely music for our listening and dancing pleasure on the back alley Grunge set. Sunbeam was voted Best in Ripped and Torn.

DJ Bea provides your Monday morning wake-up call with an eclectic mix of tunes at 9 am on the VBII dance floor.

A 'Top 1000' poll provides DJ JoAnn with a terrific list of hits, and a few new-to-you tunes Mondays at 5 pm SLT.

DJ Avion takes Tiki Toosday all over the two sims of VBII. This Tuesday at 5 pm SLT we'll be at Neon Palms in the northeast corner of the Venus Gardens sim.

In addition, Tiki Toosday guest Agaas Nigig generously shared with the VBII Blog some excellent photos she took during the event:

Wednesdays at 5 pm SLT join DJ JoAnn in the symphonic darkness of Madam Lash's House of Pleasure and Pain. Goth metal is the predominant musical genre and some attendees dress the part as well.

Most weeks, DJ Surfer's music serenades us as we move around the Amusement Park and environs during Games Night, Thursdays at 5 pm SLT. But a scheduling conflict means NO GAMES NIGHT on Thursday, February 2.

Prep for an archery tournament took precedence over last Friday's scheduled event. So THIS week join DJ JoAnn Friday at 5 pm SLT in the fiery confines of Madam Lash's House of Pleasure and Pain for some hot music with 'DJ on Fire.'


A formal outfit this week from The Shops, Java Designs Sorita With Color Hud (16 variations), comes in fitted mesh (2 sizes), E-Body, Hourglass, Maitreya and Slink for L$59.

--by Avion Luminos and Shy Librarian